29 Jan 2016

SAU receives donation from Company Co-partnered by former Tennis Great Agassi

SAU receives donation from Company Co-partnered by former Tennis Great Agassi

A company co-owned by former tennis great Andre Agassi made a heavy donation to the Saint Augustine’s University athletic department on Monday, Jan. 25, 2016.

A truckload full of weight equipment from BILT by Agassi & Reyes was unloaded on campus Monday afternoon. The items, worth approximately $100,000, featured quad pulley machines, tricep presses, biceps curls, Olympic benches, a hip flexor and abdominal machine. The donation will help support the athletic program at Saint Augustine’s University, according to athletic director George Williams.

“This is a whole new life for us as far as athletics and training,” Williams said. “We are trying to make sure that our student-athletes have the best weight training possible. With this equipment, I am certain that they will have the best weight training of any school our size.”

The student-athletes will now have strength training options. A weight room with the new machines will open in Lynch Hall in two to three weeks. The current weight room in Atkinson Hall will consist of free weights. The Taylor Wellness Center also has area for weight training.

The donation stemmed from the friendship between Williams and Steve Miller, the CEO of Agassi Graf Holdings and Andre Agassi Foundation for Education. Miller runs the Las Vegas-based company started in 2012 by Agassi and Gil Reyes, who was Agassi’s longtime trainer