NABA Spring Day 2022

Raffle prize winners from SAU, Shaw, and NC State.
The RTP professional chapter of the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) recently held Spring Day 2022 on the campus of NC State University. Several student chapters were invited including Saint Aug (SAU), Shaw, NC Central, Fayetteville State, East Carolina, and NC State. The speakers engaged the audience regarding (1) resume-writing; (2) succeeding despite artificial intelligence screening; (3) applying to graduate school and receiving funding; and (4) launching entrepreneurial ventures. Members of the SAU chapter led the way with thought-provoking questions and comments. They were rewarded for their participation as most of the raffle prizes were won by SAU students!

Pictured from light to right: Emmanuel Bryant, Tillia Leary, Bre’cha Byrd, Ashley Weekes, Dimargio Bethel, Lauryn Stubbs, Patuel Hart Jr., Breanna Dorway, and Assistant Professor Evangeline Brodie.